Preserve the Second Amendment, Control Civilian Firearms, and Enact Universal Healthcare (UH) by Mike R. Horwitz

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Title: Preserve the Second Amendment, Control Civilian Firearms, and Enact Universal Healthcare (UH)

Author: Mike R. Horwitz

Preserve the Second Amendment, Control Civilian Firearms, and Enact Universal Healthcare (UH)

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Synopsis: Preserve the Second Amendment, Control Civilian Firearms, and Enact Universal Healthcare (UH) By: Mike R. Horwitz   In this commonsense tract, Mike R. Horwitz takes on two of the most divisive issues in America – gun control and healthcare – and makes a sensible, nonpartisan case for each. Arguing that basic control measures will actually save the Second Amendment, he notes, “We must accept firearm regulations just as we have accepted motor vehicle regulations.” On the topic of healthcare, Horwitz points to overwhelming data that show Americans overpay for insurance that still leaves the most vulnerable of us sick or bankrupt. Citing credible sources – and no less a super-patriot than former Secretary of State Colin Powell – the author urges the new President and all of America to join the rest of the civilized world and enact Universal Healthcare.

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