Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis, Edition 9 by James O. Prochaska
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Title: Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis, Edition 9
Author: James O. Prochaska
Synopsis: Comprehensive, systematic, and balanced, Systems of Psychotherapy uses a wealth of clinical cases to help readers understand a wide variety of psychotherapies - including psychodynamic, existential, experiential, interpersonal, exposure, behavioral, cognitive, third wave, systemic, multicultural, and integrative. The ninth edition of this landmark text thoroughly analyzes 15 leading systems of psychotherapy and briefly surveys another 32, providing students and practitioners with a broad overview of the discipline. The book explores each system's theory of personality, theory of psychopathology, and resulting therapeutic process and therapy relationship. Through these explorations the authors clearly demonstrate how psychotherapy systems agree on the processes producing change while diverging on the elements in need of change. Additionally, the authors present cogent criticisms of each approach from cognitive-behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, cultural, and integrative perspectives. This ninth edition features updated meta-analytic reviews of the effectiveness of each system, new sections on Lacanian analysis, mentalization therapy, and psychotherapy with gender nonconforming people, as well as new sections and updates throughout the text.