50 shades of success: Advice for a life of prosperity by Jadson Edington
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Title: 50 shades of success: Advice for a life of prosperity
Author: Jadson Edington
Synopsis: When you think about success, what comes to mind? Cars? Travel? Sucess is not something you can buy neither is it a matter of luck. Sucess has to do with action, movement and doing things. It's not a destination, it's a process. Inthis book, J.Edington uses his 20 years of experience as a speaker to clarity the 50 principle attitudes that inevitably lead to sucess. In a down-to-earth and direct manner, he gives practical guidance on the most effective ways to transform your life - from. the inside out. Have you struggled against impossible situations? Have you been tempted to giveup? Do you think sucess is a matter of luck and that it's chosen not to simile on you? As you read this book, you'll start to understand certain approaches to change your life, like the power of words, habits, and decisiveness. These approaches are available for anyone. A transformed life is withim your future and discover the inexhaustible Source of sucess.